Don't hate me: 10 reasons I'm voting for Trump in the Primary

1. Ideology. Trump's lack of it is refreshing; it makes him more like an Independent than a Republican. Trump might seem divisive during this campaign season, but once in the White House, this Independent will be able to rally and unify people. As evidenced by his support of Planned Parenthood, he’s not an idealog. Trump will negotiate with Congress, including with Democrats. For too long, and with heels dug, Republicans and Democrats have stood by their principles (code for “will not negotiate”). It’s time to start getting some things done, together.
2. Leadership. Trump has proven himself to be an excellent CEO. America needs leadership right now, not a policy wonk. Trump might not have all the policies figured out at the moment but once in office –and has access to all the facts – he will be able to draft plans and put the right people in place.
3. Bully Leaders. Any US president must deal with leaders of other countries, many who are dictators, crazy or bullies. I suspect these leaders laugh at our leaders. Of the current field on both sides, only Trump can successfully negotiate with someone like that. And the laughing will be over.
4. More jobs for high school graduates. We need more jobs for high school graduates who don’t want to go to college, who want to work with their hands and make things; and they should be able to live a nice, middle class lifestyle on one income. This will give more spouses the option to stay home with their kids and will help drive down unemployment across many demographic groups but especially within African-American communities. There was a time for free trade and globalization, but it needs rethinking. These policies are hurting us now. Too many manufacturing jobs are oversees and continue to go there. US companies should be incentivized to keep jobs in America, or penalized if they don’t. Among the field of candidates, no one understands trade and the effects of legislation on job creation better than Trump.
5. Borders and Immigration. Right now, our immigration and naturalization department cannot sufficiently vet immigrants coming to the US legally (think San Bernadino). What makes us think we can vet those coming illegally or as refugees? I trust that Trump will secure the southern border and I don’t care who pays for it – just do it! We are not a country if we don’t have secure borders. Will Trump be able to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants? I doubt it but kudos for trying. If he could deport just those with criminal backgrounds, that’s enough for me. Both of my parents came here from Germany, legally and after ten years became citizens. Unmanaged, mass immigration is a recipe for disaster and not fair to Americans that were born here or came here legally. That is why many Latino Americas, who came here legally, support Trump.
6. Competence. The Federal Government is a poor steward of my hard earned taxes and I’m mad. I probably wouldn’t mind paying more in taxes if I knew the money would be used properly. The Federal Government should live within its means and Americans need to stop living in denial and pushing the problem off for the next generation to deal with. Pulling heads out of the sand will be tough and we need a strong leader to lead and inspire. Trump will replace the heads of departments with smarter people and eliminate some entire departments. It’s time to start firing managers at the federal level. Having been a successful job creator in the private sector, Trump knows what competence looks like, career politicians don’t.
7. Role of Government. States should have more power. Each State should be responsible for managing their own education system and taking care of their poor. The Federal government should get out these businesses and Trump will start the process.
8. Trust. Because he’s self-funding, he is beholden to no one. I trust that he will grow jobs through smart, strategic trade policies. Because he’s not taking campaign contributions from banks or insurance companies, I trust that he create a national free market health care system. I trust he’ll untie the hands of our military to do their job and win.
9. Corruption. The hatred for Trump from the GOP establishment is very telling. Because they are in bed with special interests and wish to continue receiving their funding, they must appear to hate Trump, even if they secretly applaud him. Some are now starting to come out of the closet. During his career as a real estate developer, Trump played the deck of cards that were dealt to him by a corrupt US political system, and he played them very well. I don’t fault him for that. But he’s also the best one to rearrange the deck.
10. Credentials. If your child needs open heart surgery, do you care how nice the doctor is or do you want the best? I’d choose the surgeon with the best credentials, despite his horrible bedside manner, over one who is nice with less skill and experience. Trump’s combination of credentials, leadership and lack of ideology make him the right person for the job at this moment in American history.
All the reasons to not vote for Trump, and certainly there are some, don’t really matter.


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