A letter to a nation from my dead father
My father, Wolfgang Peter Sedler, wrote this letter shortly before his death on July 14, 2014.
"To a Divided Nation, I am a proud legal immigrant from East Germany who has never seen the USA so divided. I am writing these notes with the hope to make a positive change. I was born in February 1944 in East Germany. Adolf Hitler was still in power, he was a Community Organizer trying to convince the Germans to build highways and print money day and night. Anyone who got in his way, Hitler used his executive privileges to stop them.
The 10 best lies from Senator and President Obama:
1. Decrease deficit in my first term by 50 percent (he did not)
2. Most transparent President (he is not)
3. Bring the country together (he did not)
4. Bring unemployment under 6 percent (he did not)
5. Obamacare will be less expensive (not true)
6. Close Gitmo in the 1st term (he did not)
7. Will not raise the debt ceiling (now he wants to)
8. Be bipartisan (he is the opposite)
9. Get D.C. spending under control (he did not)
10. Not raise taxes on the middle class (he put more middle class people in poverty and on food stamps)
Before Obama gets done with us, he will have wracked up $10 Trillion in deficit. That's more than all other Presidents before him. Sooner or later the media has to share responsibility. I wish 90 percent of the media moves to Greece and 90 percent of politicians move to Cuba. This is my opinion. I welcome yours. Let's all be honest. Look at the past and the present. Honest people can come up with a better future. Sooner or later even the shiniest politician will run out of spending other people's money." by Wolfgang P. Sedler
"To a Divided Nation, I am a proud legal immigrant from East Germany who has never seen the USA so divided. I am writing these notes with the hope to make a positive change. I was born in February 1944 in East Germany. Adolf Hitler was still in power, he was a Community Organizer trying to convince the Germans to build highways and print money day and night. Anyone who got in his way, Hitler used his executive privileges to stop them.
The 10 best lies from Senator and President Obama:
1. Decrease deficit in my first term by 50 percent (he did not)
2. Most transparent President (he is not)
3. Bring the country together (he did not)
4. Bring unemployment under 6 percent (he did not)
5. Obamacare will be less expensive (not true)
6. Close Gitmo in the 1st term (he did not)
7. Will not raise the debt ceiling (now he wants to)
8. Be bipartisan (he is the opposite)
9. Get D.C. spending under control (he did not)
10. Not raise taxes on the middle class (he put more middle class people in poverty and on food stamps)
Before Obama gets done with us, he will have wracked up $10 Trillion in deficit. That's more than all other Presidents before him. Sooner or later the media has to share responsibility. I wish 90 percent of the media moves to Greece and 90 percent of politicians move to Cuba. This is my opinion. I welcome yours. Let's all be honest. Look at the past and the present. Honest people can come up with a better future. Sooner or later even the shiniest politician will run out of spending other people's money." by Wolfgang P. Sedler