Get Wellness Reading List

People ask me all the time how I transformed my body. They want to know how I shed 60 pounds, dropping from a size 16 to a size 4. The answer is not easy. I learned by reading stories from people who have gone before me. I read books on nutritional science and research. From the books I read, I found inspiration and appreciation for life. Most importantly, I came to have a deep understanding that health is your #1 asset. It’s the one thing that if you don’t have it, nothing else matters.

Once you read these books, you can’t help but be changed, from the inside out. True fitness is not about losing weight, it’s about having a healthy mind, body and spirit. I’ve found you have to work on all 3 at the same time to get lasting results. My transformation, by the grace of God, was in my mind and the manifestation is apparent by my lean appearance and energy level. It all starts with a renewed mind and to do this you need new information. Here is the list of 10 books I read over my 15 month transformation period, in the order that I read them.

Body for Life for Women
by Pamela Peeke

What the bible says about healthy living
By Dr. Rex Russell

The China Study
By T. Colin Campbell

The HeartMath approach to managing hypertension
By Wilson and Childre

Quantum Wellness
By Kathy Freston

Anticancer: a new way of life
By David Servan-Schreiber

What happy people know
By Dan Baker

Skinny Bitch
By Freedman and Barnouin

Juicing, fasting and detoxing for life
Cherie Calborn

The four agreements
By Don Miguel Ruiz


Hope Egan said…
Hi, Sonya. I also loved Dr. Russell's book, and it changed my life, too. As such, I co-wrote the companion cookbook (What the Bible Says about Healthy Living Cookbook), for which he wrote the foreword. If you'd like to review it on your blog, I'd be happy to send you an e-book, just let me know. Blessings to you!
Sonya Sedler said…
Hi Hope. I would love to review it. Send it to
Joseph Maxberry said…
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Joseph Maxberry said…
Well done Sonya, I'm very proud of you and I hope you allow yourself to be very proud of your achievement.

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